Our Offerings

We have crafted a wide range of offerings that are custom built to meet your needs. We offer both virtual and in-person sessions to be as inclusive as possible for our clients.

We are driven to creative equitable offerings and have designed group art healing sessions that are offered at a reduced rate. Group session dates and times are announced on our Instagram page.

Follow us @_freya.arts_


Art Healing.

Art healing sessions begin with breathwork and meditation to ground you into the creative practice. We will explore feelings and emotions through creative outlets including painting, drawing, poetry, journaling, movement, and much more.

Benefits: Sparking your creativity, moving through creative or emotional blocks, and communicating with yourself non-verbally.

Natural Medicines.

Working with aroma therapy and using natural medicines found in essential oils and teas. Tuning into our intuition through the use of oracle cards that help us learn to hear and trust our inner voice.

Benefits: Gaining curiosity about plant medicines, cultivating confidence in working with the earth to heal, and building intuitive self trust.

Ritual Baths.

Working with the healing qualities of water to help cleanse your physical and emotional body. Incorporate herbs, essential oils, crystals, smoke, and intentions to your bath to turn your bathing routine into a ritualistic experience.

Benefits: Offering yourself time to rest and restore, developing self care rituals, and connecting to your higher self.

Healing Journey.

A Healing Journey combines art healing, natural medicines, and ritual bath readings into a comprehensive 3 month long course. It is a one-on-one experience and we work together to tailor the journey to best suit your needs.

Benefits: Honoring yourself with time, guidance, and the intention to heal, and acknowledging that you are your own best healer.